TypeScript 5.1 正式发布
JavaScript 中一个函数没有声明返回值将会隐式返回undefined
function foo() {
// no return
// x = undefined
let x = foo();
在以前的 TypeScript 中,唯一可以完全没有返回语句的函数是void
// ✅ fine - we inferred that 'f1' returns 'void'
function f1() {
// no returns
// ✅ fine - 'void' doesn't need a return statement
function f2(): void {
// no returns
// ✅ fine - 'any' doesn't need a return statement
function f3(): any {
// no returns
// ❌ error!
// A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value.
function f4(): undefined {
// no returns
如果某些 API 期望函数返回undefined
declare function takesFunction(f: () => undefined): undefined;
// ❌ error!
// Argument of type '() => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => undefined'.
takesFunction(() => {
// no returns
// ❌ error!
// A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value.
takesFunction((): undefined => {
// no returns
// ❌ error!
// Argument of type '() => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => undefined'.
takesFunction(() => {
// ✅ works
takesFunction(() => {
return undefined;
// ✅ works
takesFunction((): undefined => {
所以, TypeScript 5.1 允许没有返回语句的函数返回undefined
// ✅ Works in TypeScript 5.1!
function f4(): undefined {
// no returns
// ✅ Works in TypeScript 5.1!
takesFunction((): undefined => {
// no returns
// ✅ Works in TypeScript 5.1!
takesFunction(function f() {
// ^ return type is undefined
// no returns
// ✅ Works in TypeScript 5.1!
takesFunction(function f() {
// ^ return type is undefined
在 TypeScript 的——noImplicitReturns
选项下,只返回 undefined 的函数现在有一个类似void
// ✅ Works in TypeScript 5.1 under '--noImplicitReturns'!
function f(): undefined {
if (Math.random()) {
// do some stuff...
TypeScript 4.3 的 get/set访问器允许返回两种不同的类型.
interface Serializer {
set value(v: string | number | boolean);
get value(): string;
declare let box: Serializer;
// Allows writing a 'boolean'
box.value = true;
// Comes out as a 'string'
最初,我们要求获取类型必须是设置类型的子类型。这意味着写box.value = box.value;
然而,有许多现有的和建议的API,在它们的getter和setter之间具有完全不相关的类型。例如,考虑最常见的示例之一 - DOM和CSSStyleRule API中的style属性。每个样式规则都有一个style属性,它是一个CSSStyleDeclaration;然而,如果您尝试写入该属性,它只能正确处理字符串!
TypeScript 5.1现在允许完全不相关的类型用于获取和设置访问器属性,前提是它们具有明确的类型注释。虽然这个版本的TypeScript还没有改变这些内置接口的类型,但可以通过以下方式定义CSSStyleRule:
interface CSSStyleRule {
// ...
/** Always reads as a `CSSStyleDeclaration` */
get style(): CSSStyleDeclaration;
/** Can only write a `string` here. */
set style(newValue: string);
// ...
This also allows other patterns like requiring set accessors to accept only "valid" data, but specifying that get accessors may return undefined if some underlying state hasn’t been initialized yet.
class SafeBox {
#value: string | undefined;
// Only accepts strings!
set value(newValue: string) {
// Must check for 'undefined'!
get value(): string | undefined {
return this.#value;
In fact, this is similar to how optional properties are checked under --exactOptionalProperties.
Decoupled Type-Checking Between JSX Elements and JSX Tag Types
Decoupled Type-Checking Between JSX Elements and JSX Tag Types One pain point TypeScript had with JSX was its requirements on the type of every JSX element’s tag. This release of TypeScript makes it possible for JSX libraries to more accurately describe what JSX components can return. For many, this concretely means it will be possible to use asynchronous server components in React
For some context and background, a JSX element is either of the following:
// A self-closing JSX tag
<Foo />
// A regular element with an opening/closing tag
When type-checking <Foo />
or <Bar></Bar>
, TypeScript always looks up a namespace called JSX and fetches a type out of it called Element. In other words, it looks for JSX.Element.
But to check whether Foo or Bar themselves are valid tag names, TypeScript would roughly just grab the types returned or constructed by Foo or Bar and check for compatibility with JSX.Element (or another type called JSX.ElementClass if the type is constructable).
The limitations here meant that components could not be used if they returned or if they "rendered" a more broad type than just JSX.Element. For example, a JSX library might be fine with a component returning strings or Promises.
As a more concrete example, future versions of React have proposed limited support for components that return Promises, but existing versions of TypeScript cannot express that without someone drastically loosening the type of JSX.Element.
import * as React from "react";
async function Foo() {
return <div></div>;
let element = <Foo />;
// ~~~
// 'Foo' cannot be used as a JSX component.
// Its return type 'Promise<Element>' is not a valid JSX element.
To provide libraries with a way to express this, TypeScript 5.1 now looks up a type called JSX.ElementType. ElementType specifies precisely what is valid to use as a tag in a JSX element. So it might be typed today as something like
namespace JSX {
export type ElementType =
// All the valid lowercase tags
keyof IntrinsicAttributes
// Function components
(props: any) => Element
// Class components
new (props: any) => ElementClass;
export interface IntrinsictAttributes extends /*...*/ {}
export type Element = /*...*/;
export type ClassElement = /*...*/;
Namespaced JSX Attributes
TypeScript now supports namespaced attribute names when using JSX.
import * as React from "react";
// Both of these are equivalent:
const x = <Foo a:b="hello" />;
const y = <Foo a : b="hello" />;
interface FooProps {
"a:b": string;
function Foo(props: FooProps) {
return <div>{props["a:b"]}</div>;
Namespaced tag names are looked up in a similar way on JSX.IntrinsicAttributes when the first segment of the name is a lowercase name.
// In some library's code or in an augmentation of that library:
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
["a:b"]: { prop: string };
// In our code:
let x = <a:b prop="hello!" />;
typeRoots Are Consulted In Module Resolution
When TypeScript’s specified module lookup strategy is unable to resolve a path, it will now resolve packages relative to the specified typeRoots.
Linked Cursors for JSX Tags
TypeScript now supports linked editing for JSX tag names. Linked editing (occasionally called "mirrored cursors") allows an editor to edit multiple locations at the same time automatically.
An example of JSX tags with linked editing modifying a JSX fragment and a div element. An example of JSX tags with linked editing modifying a JSX fragment and a div element., image
This new feature should work in both TypeScript and JavaScript files, and can be enabled in Visual Studio Code Insiders. In Visual Studio Code, you can either edit the Editor: Linked Editing option in the Settings UI:
Visual Studio Code's Editor: Linked Editing` option
or configure editor.linkedEditing in your JSON settings file:
// ...
"editor.linkedEditing": true,
This feature will also be supported by Visual Studio 17.7 Preview 1.
Snippet Completions for @param JSDoc Tags
TypeScript now provides snippet completions when typing out a @param tag in both TypeScript and JavaScript files. This can help cut down on some typing and jumping around text as you document your code or add JSDoc types in JavaScript.